On 20 March 2019, affected communities by a coal mine at Kliprand farm in Newcastle marched to Ikhwezi Mining Company. The mine started to operate on this place in June 2018 and the affected communities do not benefit from this mine. This mine extract coal near people’s places and dig graveyards for these communities. Khwezi Mine had a meeting with Kliprand farm and DMR last year in November 2018 and the mine made an agreement that by January 2019 they will start to relocate these affected communities. So these communities waited until end of February 2019. Then in March 2019 they marched but got arrested. We so worried about what happened, the law and the government agreed with mining company. We want to see the government taking action on this matter because some of these people are getting sick because of air pollution and some of them do not have shelter because of this mining company.