The Covid 19 pandemic came unexpectedly to all of us. It meant drastic measures needed to be taken and that essential services to communities such as water needed to delivered to ensure that the spread of the virus is curtailed. The quick establishment of a temporal shelter for the homeless people of Pietermaritzburg by the government is a commendable move.
Before the announcement of the national lockdown, there was an increase of young people living on the streets of Pietermaritzburg CBD and the municipal turned a blind eye to this challenge.The national lockdown regulations enforced by the National Command Council tasked the municipalities to ensure that homeless people are provided with shelter and food during the lockdown. Some of the participants who are part of the Youth Street Survivors program, a program facilitated by PACSA in support of the youth living on the streets both males and females were catered for at the temporal shelter coordinated by the Msunduzi municipality.