The emergence of stands on areas that have been reserved as open spaces in Glenview, Harare is worrisome to residents staying closeby. These constructions are happening right opposite Glen View 4 primary school gate. This development is closing roads that are usually used by pupils to and from school.
Residents are not aware as to when these people were allocated stands and by which office. They only realized that this is happening when they spotted people preparing the land for construction. Upon realizing this, the community started inquiring on who actually gave those people the said land. Some visited the Glen view District Officer who professed ignorance and later on conceded that the allocation happened way before he joined the District office.
Residents have resolved to approach this development head-on. A committee to lead this process has been established and planning is underway to lead a bigger group to the District to seek clarification with a view to stopping the construction process. A WhatsApp group to coordinate this process was established and is active.