After almost three weeks into the month of November without water, Bulawayo ward 3 residents have expressed concerns over the quality of the water when services finally resumed.
The water coming out of taps has been noted to be visibly dirty and a direct violation of Section 77 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, which stipulates that citizens should have access to clean, safe and portable water. While the water is finally portable, coming out of house taps, it is neither clean nor safe.
Bulawayo Ward 3 was one of the most affected by the extensive water rationing program due to problems with Tuli reservoir, and the water cuts that came as a result of electricity cuts, forcing residents to go for prolonged periods of time without water.
After two days of dirty water supply, city council has announced yet another water rationing schedule that will see the residents possibly going for another three weeks without water.
Bulawayo needs to invest into water reticulation and ensure that citizens have access to clean water to avoid the possibility of water borne disease breakouts.