Youth groups in the City of Bulawayo in Zimbabwe have accused the City Council of not attending to all arising problems in relation to infrastructure, and only renovating areas that meet the eyes of the important visitors.
This was said after realizing that the intersection of corner 6th Avenue and Jason Moyo Street has for the past two years never been fixed. The mentioned intersection has many potholes and a stream of ever-flowing water, which is not so clear as to whether it’s sewer or clean pipe water.
According to various sources at Compu-center building, council workers have never bothered to fix the problem, but they always renovate the streets that the President uses when he visits.
During the Zimbabwe International Trade Fare (ZITF) times, most of the roads were patched up and got some form of attention, but not this section, hence the phrase putting lipstick on cracked lips meaning they only want to present a front that all is well in the City, when it’s really not.
The city council could not be reached to make a comment on the state of intersection in question, but is encouraged to take heed of the dangers posed to road users and address the noted concerns