I was admitted for baby delivery at Job Shimakana Tabane Hospital in Rustenburg on the 13th of April 2020 but unfortunately i lost my baby and the situation at this hospital makes my loss even more painful. Since I was admitted I realized that there are no precautions in place for Corona virus in this hospital. I am saying this because the visiting hour is from 3pm to 4pm and visitors are from different communities, one visitor per person. Some of them with no masks including nurses and doctors and there is no screening of people who come for the visit. Hey, said that they are containing the virus by allowing one person to visit, but there are more people coming especially families of those who lost their babies.
The painful issue that is affecting all of us is the way the nurses treat us especially with regards to preparing our babies for burial. The nurses don’t have time to help us. Since I was trying to prepare my baby’s papers yesterday till today nothing has been done. My baby’s father was up and down trying to sort out papers, but the nurses are giving him different information. I am discharged but I can’t go home till the papers are done in Ward 6. They told the baby’s father that there is a missing file to prepare the papers. I am angry and feeling sad about the way the government nurses are treating us.
I was at Ward 4 and the nurses are working hard to help us deliver safely and have done all that needs to be done but after we got transferred to another ward, the problems started. I was even left with 2 drips till I took them out by myself because I was asking a nurse in Ward 6 to remove them, and she said she is tired, and I must wait. I waited for more than 4 hours, and she knocked off.